About Nena Shelby
Hi I'm Nena :) I'm 25, based in sunny SoCal and I started my YouTube Channel just over 2 years ago.
I began my journey with YouTube when I decided that I wanted to film my four month study abroad voyage with Semester At Sea. I thought that it was a great opportunity to finally start my channel. I began with creating videos of my travels, and over time, my channel has taken me to places I never imagined!
Since then, my channel has taken quite a different direction, and now I focus mainly on beginner guitar tutorials. My channel is a space to learn and grow in your journey with guitar. To me, playing the guitar is not about being the best, how long you’ve played or what songs you play. It’s all about expressing yourself through music and learning songs that speak to your soul.I am a singer and a songwriter, and I have a passion for teaching guitar. My goal is to provide people the tools they need to pursue their love of guitar playing and create art. The community I've built here is highly engaged, and I consistently interact with my audience almost every day.
I now have 2 channels that I am active on: my main channel Nena Shelby and my play along channel Nena Shelby Music!
Happy you’re here!!